Presentations from the Angular CLI Team

Описание к видео Presentations from the Angular CLI Team

The full Angular CLI team came together for this special meetup. Learn about the latest efforts from each of the members of the CLI team via a series of presentations that will cover the breadth and depth of everyone's favorite Angular workflow automation tool. We'll also be hosting a panel, so please bring your questions and hopes to share with the team.

4:41 Hans Larsen (CLI Lead) will be providing an intro and overview into what's included in v6 of the Angular CLI. He'll also share a little bit about the team's vision for the future

12:36 Filipe Silva will be giving us a breakdown of the new angular.json config file, the new mental model it enables, and will explain how to more finely customize your builds.

22:06 Charles Lyding will introduce the new `ng generate library` command and will discuss the new standard path for generating and building libraries in Angular.

27:47 Mike Brocchi will talk about Schematics and the ways that you can create your own if you are interested in tapping into all of the power of the new CLI commands like 'ng add' or 'ng update'.

1:00:56 The Future of the CLI, and Q&A


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