The Parable of the Prodigal Son | Sunday School lesson for kids

Описание к видео The Parable of the Prodigal Son | Sunday School lesson for kids

The Parable of the Prodigal Son is a great example of what God’s love for us is like. We often judge ourselves or others, thinking that we can decide who is worthy of God’s forgiveness. But we are not the Judge, God is! And no matter what you have done, He will forgive you. None of us are worthy of His forgiveness, but He offers it freely! Who are we to tell God who He can or cannot forgive? If you have strayed from your Heavenly Father, come home. He is waiting for you with open arms, just like the father was waiting for the prodigal son.

Follow this link to learn how you can download this video and the family time devotional that goes with it:

Related Verses:

• Luke 15 11-32 | The Parable of the Prodigal Son
• Isaiah 55 7 | “Let the wicked forsake his way”
• Ephesians 2 4-5 | God's great love for us
• 1 John 1 9 | Confessing our sins
• Romans 8 1 | No condemnation for those in Christ Jesus

Family Time Questions:

• What did the son do that was so wrong in the parable?
• How did the father react when the son came back? How is this like God's love for us?
• Why do you think the other brother was angry?
• Have you ever felt like the prodigal son, needing forgiveness? How did you feel when you received it?
• Why should we forgive others?

Family Time Prayer:

"Dear God, thank You for Your love that is always welcoming us back home, no matter how far we have strayed. Help us to understand the depth of Your forgiveness and to extend that same grace and mercy to others. Teach us to not be judgmental, but to rejoice when others return to You. In Jesus' name, Amen."

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And, kids, remember to always ask your parent's permission before you do ANYTHING online (like clicking links!).

Douglas Talks is a Christian video series meant to help parents and teachers explain Biblical truths to their kids in a way that is fun and easy to understand. Join Douglas as he learns to live God's way!

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Due to the Federal Trade Commission's "Children's Online Privacy Protection Act" (or, COPPA for short), all comments (and several other features) have been disabled on my channel to better protect kids' privacy online. But I would love to still be able to connect with you! So, with the help of an adult, we can still talk on my Facebook page ▶▶▶   / douglastalks  

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