Admission of person with mental illness as independent (volunteer) patient (Sec 86) & Minor (Sec 87)

Описание к видео Admission of person with mental illness as independent (volunteer) patient (Sec 86) & Minor (Sec 87)

Admission of person with mental illness as independent (volunteer) patient

“Independent (volunteer) admission” refers to the admission of person with mental illness, to a mental health establishment, who has the capacity to make mental healthcare and treatment decisions or requires minimal support in making decisions

All admissions in the mental health establishment shall, as far as possible, be independent admissions except when such conditions exist as make supported admission unavoidable. Any person, who is not a minor and who considers himself to have a mental illness and desires to be admitted to any mental health establishment for treatment may request the medical officer or mental health professional in charge of the establishment to be admitted as an independent patient

(2) On receipt of such request under sub-section (1), the medical officer or mental health professional in charge of the establishment shall admit the person to the establishment if the medical officer or mental health professional is satisfied that–

(a) the person has a mental illness of a severity requiring admission to a mental health establishment;

(b) the person with mental illness is likely to benefit from admission and treatment to the mental health establishment;

(c) the person has understood the nature and purpose of admission to the
mental health establishment, and has made the request for admission of his own free will, without any duress or undue influence and has the capacity to make mental healthcare and treatment decisions without support or requires minimal support from others in making such decisions

(3) If a person is unable to understand the purpose, nature, likely effects of proposed treatment and of the probable result of not accepting the treatment or requires a very high level of support approaching hundred per cent. support in making decisions, he or she shall be deemed unable to understand the purpose of the admission and therefore shall not be admitted as independent patient under this section.

(4) A person admitted as an independent patient to a mental health establishment shall be bound to abide by order and instructions or bye-laws of the mental health establishment.

(5) An independent patient shall not be given treatment without his informed consent.

(6) The mental health establishment shall admit an independent patient on his own request, and shall not require the consent or presence of a nominated representative or a relative or care-giver for admitting the person to the mental health establishment.

(7) Subject to the provisions contained in section 88 an independent patient may get himself discharged from the mental health establishment without the consent of the medical officer or mental health professional in charge of such establishment

87. (1) A minor may be admitted to a mental health establishment only after following the procedure laid down in this section.

(2) The nominated representative of the minor shall apply to the medical officer incharge of a mental health establishment for admission of the minor to the establishment.

(3) Upon receipt of such an application, the medical officer or mental health professional in charge of the mental health establishment may admit such a minor to the establishment, if two psychiatrists, or one psychiatrist and one mental health professional or one psychiatrist and one medical practitioner, have independently examined the minor on the day of admission or in the preceding seven days and both independently conclude based on the examination and, if appropriate, on information provided by others, that,—

(a) the minor has a mental illness of a severity requiring admission

(b) admission shall be in the best interests of the minor, with regard to his health, well-being or safety, taking into account the wishes of the minor if ascertainable and the reasons for reaching this decision;

(c) the mental healthcare needs of the minor cannot be fulfilled unless he is admitted; and

(d) all community-based alternatives to admission have been shown to have failed or are demonstrably unsuitable for the needs of the minor.

(4) A minor so admitted shall be accommodated separately from adults

(5) The nominated representative shall under all circumstances stay with the minor in the mental health establishment for the entire duration of the admission of the minor to the mental health establishment.

(6) In the case of minor girls, where the nominated representative is male, a female attendant shall be appointed by the nominated representative and under all circumstances shall stay with the minor girl in the mental health establishment for the entire duration of her admission

(7) A minor shall be given treatment with the informed consent of his nominated representative.


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