Bhagavad Gita Complete Summary

Описание к видео Bhagavad Gita Complete Summary

This video serves as a beginners guide to the Bhagavad Gita, India's greatest spiritual contribution to the world. This version is heavily influenced by the audiobook The Bhagavad Gita: A Walkthrough for Westerners by Jack A. Hawley as well as the books Bhagavad-gita As It Is A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami and The Bhagavad Gita Translation by Shri-Purohit-Swami. The chapters in this series are heavily condensed and subject to personal interpretation.

I encourage you to find more detailed information using the links below as well as comment and question in the comments below.

You can find The Bhagavad Gita: A Walkthrough for Westerners by Jack A. Hawley on

You can find Bhagavad-gita As It Is A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami on

You can find The Bhagavad Gita Translation by Shri-Purohit-Swami on

Many of the images in this series are inspired by images at The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International, Inc. Visit to see more resources.


00:00:00 Chapter 1: The Despondency of Arjuna

00:02:36 Chapter 2: Sankhya Yoga – The Path of Knowledge

00:08:58 Chapter 3: Karma-Yoga – The Path Of Action

00:16:35 Chapter 4: Jñāna–Karma-Sanyasa yoga, Integrating Knowledge, Action and Renunciation

00:21:41 Chapter 5: Sanyasa yoga, Renunciation in Action

00:26:05 Chapter 6: Dhyana Yoga, Controlling the Mind and Senses

00:31:03 Chapter 7: Jnana-Vijnana Yoga: Knowing and Experiencing Divinity

00:37:23 Chapter 8: Aksara–Brahma Yoga: The Eternal Godhead

00:42:14 Chapter 9: Raja–Vidya–Raja–Guhya Yoga: Royal Knowledge and the King of Secrets

00:47:33 Chapter 10: Vibhuti–Vistara–Yoga: Divine Splendor

00:52:29 Chapter 11: Vishvarupa–Darshana –Yoga: The Cosmic Vision

00:58:37 Chapter 12: Bhakti–Yoga: The Path of Love

01:02:17 Chapter 13: Ksetra–Ksetrajna Vibhaga –Yoga: The Field and its Knower

01:11:29 Chapter 14: Going beyond the 3 forces of Nature

01:18:29 Chapter 15: Purushottama –Yoga: Devotion to The Supreme Self

01:22:25 Chapter 16: The Divine and The Demonic Path

01:27:26 Chapter 17: Shraddhatraya-Vibhaga–Yoga: The Three Kinds of Faith

01:34:33 Chapter 18 - Moksha–Sanyasa –Yoga: Liberation through Knowing, Acting and Loving


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