Anja’s 🦚 drive | Hidde 🦘sarcoids | Roof tiles & rugs

Описание к видео Anja’s 🦚 drive | Hidde 🦘sarcoids | Roof tiles & rugs

It's a week since our Open Day so we've tried to keep this last week as quiet as we could (if ever there is such a thing!!). Today was another busy one with lots to get done as usual.

Anja's been building her fitness over the last few months to get back in the carriage as we knew she had an important date today for the Allard family. Once again she did me proud and I think enjoyed her outing despite finding she needed to take breathers on the hill home.

On Sunday morning Ann and Holly will be doing their 10 mile run to raise funds for the Sanctuary. The forecast is wonderful so they'll be needing plenty of water to keep them going as they run round Derwent Water!

One of our fabulous followers, Jamie has offered to match the first £10 of every donation made to there GoFundMe up until the end of their run. If you'd like to contribute head to Ann's page -


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