The Major Scale and the 7 Modes Guitar Lesson Part 1/2 - The Major Scale

Описание к видео The Major Scale and the 7 Modes Guitar Lesson Part 1/2 - The Major Scale Check out my website. I've been working on a guitar lesson about the major scale and it's 7 relative modes. It's getting to be very long so I have decided to break it down into smaller videos. This video covers what a half step and a whole step is, and how to figure out the notes in any major scale. If you practice the C major scale that I show in this video try to use alternate picking (alternating from down strokes to up strokes with your pick). Also you should try to use your pointer/index finger for the first note on every string and use your pinky finger for the 3rd note of each string. This way your hand can stay in pretty much one location while you play every note. You could also practice this scale forwards (ascending) and backwards (descending).


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