Make a Rainbow

Описание к видео Make a Rainbow
A rainbow has long bands of colors which are bent as arcs formed by the reflection and refraction of the sun's rays inside raindrops.
Fun Rainbow Facts
1. A rainbow appears after it has been raining; the sun must be behind you and the rain in front of you when the rainbow appears.
2. It doesn't have to rain for us to see a rainbow. One can see one in the early morning dew, in the mist of a waterfall, in a spray of water from the ocean or even a lawn sprinkler.
3. The colors in this rainbow are just the main ones. A rainbow is really made up of an uncountable number of colors blending into one another.
4. No two people see colors the same since every persons' eyes respond differently to light.
5. No two people see the same rainbow. When you look at a rainbow, you are actually looking at light being bounced off certain raindrops. To see the same rainbow, another person would have to be standing in your shoes and looking out of your eyes at the same moment...not possible.
6. When you see a rainbow from the ground you see a partial circle of colors. If you see a rainbow from and airplane, you would see a complete circle of colors.
7. Sometimes there appears a double rainbow or a secondary rainbow. That means that the light has bounced twice inside of the raindrops causing a second less bright rainbow whose colors will be reversed. You can see this product and print FREE RHYMES at


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