Russian Akatsiya artillery crews eliminated Ukraine mortar team

Описание к видео Russian Akatsiya artillery crews eliminated Ukraine mortar team

The Vostok Group of Forces' 152-mm Akatsiya self-propelled artillery systems from the Republic of Buryatia eliminated one mortar crew and one armoured vehicle of the Armed Forces of Ukraine close to #Staromayorskoye in South #Donetsk direction of the #Ukraine.

Reconnaissance units located the Ukraine mortar and movement of armoured fighting vehicles in a forest belt near the line of contact. The targets' coordinates were promptly sent to the artillerymen, who delivered the strikes and hit the enemy with the first shot.

Artillerymen from Buryatia by just one battery have destroyed more than 1,000 targets during the Ukraine war: tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, mortars, multiple launch rocket systems of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and enemy command posts.

Artillery units carry out tasks with air reconnaissance at a distance of up to 20 kilometres from the targets. Each shot is aimed and adjusted with #UAVs, so that the effectiveness of fire defeat against enemy targets is multiplying. According to the artillerymen of the Vostok Group of Forces, here at the Vremevka Salient, the Ukrainian nationalists face significant resistance and are now not even always engaging in counter-battery warfare and saving shells which they are clearly lacking.

Self-propelled guns are equipped with anti-drone grids which reliably protect crews from Ukraine strike drones.


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