I Stayed In A Glass Igloo! ❄ Kakslauttanen Resort Finland 2020 | Scola Dondo

Описание к видео I Stayed In A Glass Igloo! ❄ Kakslauttanen Resort Finland 2020 | Scola Dondo

Last year just before the world turned upside down, I had the amazing opporunity to stay in a glass igloo at the Kakslauttanen arctic resort in Finland. It was the most magical experience! I almost got stuck in Finland as this was just before many European countries started closing borders so by the time I got back, uploading this didn't feel right. However I hope this serves as a lil bit of escape in the midst of all this chaos we're going through right now. Stay safe xoxo

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Kakslauteen Resort Finland https://www.kakslauttanen.fi/

Stay Healthy & Luscious! x

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About me:

Hi! My name is Scola and welcome to the official Scola Dondo YouTube Channel!

I'm a 24-year-old Personal Trainer and food lover!

When I was 14, I was obese and extremely unhappy. Eventually, I decided it was time to get healthy and lose some weight! Through healthy eating and exercise, I managed to lose 50lbs. Now I'm healthy, happy and ready to share my tips and tricks to get HEALTHY!

In this channel, you’ll find a variety of fun and entertaining content, including Afrobeat Workout, Life Update, Fitness Hacks, Fitness Challenges, Workouts, What I Eat and much more!

Business inquiries email: [email protected]


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