Places to see in ( Kiel - Germany )

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Places to see in ( Kiel - Germany )

Kiel is a port city on Germany’s Baltic Sea coast. In the old town, the rebuilt, medieval St. Nikolai Church hosts classical concerts. Holstenstrasse and Dänische Strasse are streets lined with shops. Along the Kiel Fjord, the Maritime Museum displays model ships and nautical instruments in a former fish auction hall. Cruise ships dock at the Ostseekai Terminal in Germania Harbor.

Some locals admit that Kiel, the capital of Schleswig-Holstein, has a city centre that's grottenhässlich (ugly as sin). And unfortunately it is true; it was obliterated during WWII by bombing raids on its U-boat pens and then rapidly rebuilt. Today, it is a series of charmless indoor malls linked by pedestrian bridges. However, Kiel's grand harbour continues on as it has for centuries and this, along with the city's museums, should be the focus of your visit. Huge ferries transport millions of passengers to and from Scandinavia, while summer sees locals strolling the long waterfront promenade.

Kiel is a maritime city and has been for a long time, it remains one of Germany main passenger ports (besides Travemünde and Rostock) and as the Baltic endpoint of the Kiel Canal plays an important role in shipping. The beginning of the end of German monarchism happened here when in 1918 the admirals wanted the fleet to sail out for one last glorious but militarily pointless battle and the sailors told their superiors where they could shove that idea, ultimately culminating in revolution and the formation of Soviets.

During the Second World War, Kiel was severely bombed, because of its submarine-producing shipyard. Both civil and military ships are being built in Kiel nowadays and the tall cranes dominate the eastern shore of the Förde (fjord).

The bombing destroyed almost all historic buildings in Kiel; even the older looking buildings were built after WW2. So, if you come to the "Kieler Schloss" (Kieler Castle) don't be disappointed. There isn't much left of the original building. During the rebuilding after WW2, mostly modern architecture was used.

A lot to see in Kiel such as :

Kiel Canal
Kieler Förde
German submarine U-995
Laboe Naval Memorial
Old Botanical Garden, Kiel
Gettorf Zoo
Universität Kiel Botanical Garden
Zoological Museum of Kiel University
Kiel Maritime Museum
Hörn Bridge
St. Nikolai Kirche
Bülk Lighthouse
Aquarium GEOMAR
Möltenort U-Boat Memorial
Marine Biology Station Laboe
Old market (Kiel)
Kleiner Kiel
Wildpark Schwentinental
Stadtgalerie Kiel
City Museum Warleberger Hof
Alte Mu Impuls - Werk e.V.
Passader See
Leuchtturm Kiel-Holtenau
Computermuseum der Fachhochschule Kiel
Open Air Museum Molfsee - State Museum of Ethnology
Tiergehege Tannenberg
Casino Kiel
Leuchtturm Friedrichsort
Schleusenanlage Kiel-Holtenau
WERNER Das Rennen PopUp-Store
Segelschiff Thor Heyerdahl
NORDBLOC - Kletterzentrum Kiel
Lanker See
Flandernbunker, Verein Mahnmal Kilian
Kunsthalle zu Kiel mit Antikensammlung
Levensau High Bridge
Machinery Museum Kiel Wik
Literaturhaus Schleswig-Holstein e.V.
Spielbank SH GmbH
Vieburger Gehölz
Kieler Stadt- und Schifffahrtsmuseum
Rathmannsdorfer Schleuse
Künstlermuseum Heikendorf

( Kiel - Germany ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Kiel . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Kiel - Germany

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