Why we need to transform development aid. | Katharina Jung | TEDxUniMannheim

Описание к видео Why we need to transform development aid. | Katharina Jung | TEDxUniMannheim

We are living in an interconnected world, but still have to face huge inequalities around the globe. A common practice to tackle these inequalities is development cooperation. Executed by states, NGOs or unprofessional volunteers, development aid has many faces and one thing in common: the stigmata of „helping “- the „developed, civilized, mature“ societies of this world give themselves the position to uplift the lives of the „undeveloped, unorganized and poor“ ones. In the framework of sustainable development goals, we already see how the focus of "the global south" changes towards a joint responsibility for sustainable development in all regions of the world. Everyone can be a global change maker and can set an end to colonial hierarchies by rethinking its perspective on so called „developing countries.“


Katharina is a 23-year- old change maker from Germany. Already at the age of 14 she has travelled to South Africa, Uganda and Ruanda. In her academic life she focuses on (post)colonialism, nation state theories and international relations. While working for the federal ministry of economic cooperation and development she gained practical experiences regarding governmental relations with the so called “Global South.” Out of these experiences she founded GlobalMatch in 2015, a platform with the aim to connect people from different parts of the world in order to discuss ideas, work together and learn about new perspectives. Moreover, she is a passionate Greenpeace activist and Project Coach. Katharina is a 23-year- old change maker from Germany. Already at the age of 14 she has travelled to South Africa, Uganda and Ruanda. In her academic life she focuses on (post)colonialism, nation state theories and international relations. While working for the federal ministry of economic cooperation and development she gained practical experiences regarding governmental relations with the so called “Global South.” Out of these experiences she founded GlobalMatch in 2015, a platform with the aim to connect people from different parts of the world in order to discuss ideas, work together and learn about new perspectives. Moreover, she is a passionate Greenpeace activist and Project Coach. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx


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