Architecting Android and iOS app features for 2020 - Kaushik Gopal

Описание к видео Architecting Android and iOS app features for 2020 - Kaushik Gopal

Inspired by some well known architecture patterns like MVVM/MVI, I set out to come up with an agnostic set of principles that would help developers build features in their app in a robust, safe and (importantly) “testable” way. At Instacart, we've started to use these principles to build features on both iOS and Android.
In this talk, we'll examine these principles, discuss the merits (+ disadvantages!) and see how these can be implemented with precise code examples. Having implemented this pattern for sometime now at Instacart, I'll also share some of our learnings along the way for both platforms.

Kaushik Gopal
I've been a developer for about 12 years now, and an Android developer for about half of those.
I'm also known in some circles of the internet for starting one of the most popular development podcasts - Fragmented. We talk about building better software and becoming better Android developers.
I currently work as a Senior Staff Mobile Engineer at Instacart. In the past, I've worked for a bunch of startups and companies always tinkering with computers and software. I believe in open source and you can find most my open source stuff on github.
Google was gracious to recognize some of my contributions to the community and has me listed as a Google Developer Expert for Android.


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