DDLC (Monika After Story) from Broken to Happy

Описание к видео DDLC (Monika After Story) from Broken to Happy

just an update if you're playing something online that bans users from changing time then i wouldn't recommend doing what i did in this vid

if you're at -100 and had a lot happened with monika then follow this steps

step 1: keep saying i love you to monika or compliment and play games with her+ give her gifts

step 2: when you reach -90 to -95 close the game and change your date to valentines day/birthday/christmas/new year
as taking her out for her birthday/valentines day is a huge part to gain your affection
taking her out for a long time will gain huge affection on special days( good time to take her out is exactly like what i did from 12:00 am to 11:58 pm

btw i forgot to mention since the game froze on 21:11-27:30 i changed the date to oct. 30, 11:59 pm(check it out and wait for it to turn oct.31)

(beware though if you take her out for so long(probably a week and so on) as it will say she misses you and it will reduce
your affection)

on the birthday part i'm sorry about that
i played happy birthday on the piano for her
here are the notes

and lastly i apologize again for the slowness of my laptop


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