The Dynamic Lives of Stars and Black Holes in Globular Clusters - Dr. Kyle Kremer

Описание к видео The Dynamic Lives of Stars and Black Holes in Globular Clusters - Dr. Kyle Kremer

The dense centers of globular clusters host a whole zoo of exotic phenomena, from the coalescence of black hole pairs driven together by gravitational wave emission, to the tidal disruption of stars that wander too close to one another, to fast radio bursts of unknown astrophysical origin. Kremer will discuss his efforts to build computational models of globular clusters and what these models have revealed about the lives of compact objects—black holes, neutron stars, and white dwarfs—within these dense stellar environments.

Dr. Kyle Kremer - NASA Einstein Fellow, Carnegie Institution for Science and Caltech

Carnegie Science Astronomy Lecture Series
April 10, 2023

Image: ESA/Hubble & NASA


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