Art at a deeper level

Описание к видео Art at a deeper level

Embracing the divine gift of painting, I find comfort in connecting with my creator. Each stroke is a conversation with Him, transcending to a realm where to-do lists fade, and past struggles dissipate. In this sacred space, I tap into my inner creativity, aligning with the One who makes all things new.
We all carry a natural connection to God's beauty; the key is listening. True worship is simplicity - accepting His will, releasing burdens, and receiving gratitude, peace, and joy.
In these intimate moments, I surrender, allowing God's creativity to flow through me.
Flowing in painting, uncertain of my destination within each stroke, I realize that every brush carries an echo of His love within us.
In the past, finding such simplicity eluded me; now, I can paint freely, savoring the moment, and receiving gratitude and love from Him.
These small, precious moments are a gift, allowing me to release everything.
Join me in this journey of inner peace and connection through art.


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