Raising a Baby on a DESERT ISLAND!! | Stacklands: Island Update | 2

Описание к видео Raising a Baby on a DESERT ISLAND!! | Stacklands: Island Update | 2

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Stacklands is a village builder where you stack cards to collect food, build structures, and fight creatures.

For example, dragging a 'Villager' card on top of a 'Berry Bush' card will spawn 'Berry' cards which the villagers can eat to survive!

The Let's Try series is a way to preview / review games in order to get my first impressions through the first moments of gameplay.

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  / retromation  

➡ Thank you to my supporters on   / retromation  
➡ 3edgy5me863, Ashbinator, BigLow, Chrysophrase,
Deadendsaint, Dysnomia, etheron369, Hephaestus, ihavehalfasoul, Junogray, JusticeTom, Kage_Shukuun, Little Hink, MoreThanAwesome, Nydeleric, Osoleve, Patrica, Piegood, ProjectLlama, Riffler Underhill, Rostepher, Romulus, Sainey, Sebastian Benn, Skoore, SpaceTime, Spence, StormXVI, The Turtle, and Throwbo!

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Subscribe for more Let's Tries: http://bit.ly/SubscribeRetromation

You can also sell cards to get coins which you can use to buy Card Packs. Packs contains multiple cards that you can use to expand your village. Every pack has a focus such as Cooking, Farming or Building.

At the end of every Moon you'll need to feed your villagers - make sure you have enough food, or your villagers will starve!

#Stacklands #Part2


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