Criminal Case : Save Romania (Fanmade) - Case #1 - Line of Death

Описание к видео Criminal Case : Save Romania (Fanmade) - Case #1 - Line of Death

Romania holds so many mysteries... but before we start investigating them, we must solve this murder!

Music - Amadeus - Legendary

Motive : Levi was his whole life lied, about his parents, about his origins, and about all of this "adopted" nonesense. Angelina and Morgan couldn't have kids, and Morgan then decided to kidnap a child, without telling his wife, and decided to lie to her and tell her he adopted it. In the night, he found the Stuck family house, and broke in and kidnapped Levi. Soon, Levi started being curious about what happened in the past, so he asked Morgan. Morgan lied to him and said that his parents died in a car crash, long time ago. But Levi thought something seemed off, so he started to do a research without Morgan to find out. Months past, and Levi finally found the truth about his parents and Morgan. After his archery training, he called Morgan to talk at the museum gardens, and he agreed. When they met, Levi confronted Morgan about his parents, all of this turned into a big arguing between Morgan and Levi. Levi then, in anger, got an arrow, loaded it in his bow and shot Morgan in head, killing him.

On a Radiation Teritory (1/6) : After we took Levi to prison, we want him and his parents to reunite. We talk to him and he gave us his password to his laptop he left at Morgan's house so we can find their address. We succsefully unlocked the laptop and we send it to Catherine and Rolen for examination. They found the Levi's parents address and we're heading over there. We found his parents and now we're going with them back to Levi. Proud to see their son again, they didn't even bother we brung them to a prison, where his son was for murdering Morgan. After Levi's parents left, Levi told us to wait a little bit again. We then see him getting a strange badge out of his pocket. No one from the team knows what this badge is, except of Austin. He told us that this badge belongs to a cult that occurs in Satmar called Radiation Kick. Radiation Kick is a group that was recentelly founded, their original founder was confirmed dead after a month this cult was created, but with a new leader, this could turn into a nightmare. Catherine then comes in with a connection between Levi's badge and this cult. In his laptop, Morgan's filles were in it, all of them dating back when the Radiation Kick was founded. These files showed every contribution from him to the cult. But the lead didn't stop. There are money transfers to the SDL School in Satmar. Albert, without hesitations, told us to go to SDL School and find out what's its ties with Radiation Kick.


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