MechJam V - Unreal Engine | Sound Design Implementation Breakdown

Описание к видео MechJam V - Unreal Engine | Sound Design Implementation Breakdown

Spent about a week on this project from start to finish, with a 3D modeler on my team as well. I created all the sounds and did all the programming.

My focus was on creating movement and sound which 'really makes you feel like' a mech, since it was for the mech jam. I also like mechs.

This video is at 30 fps, but the game itself runs at like 800+ fps in a packaged build. It uses no textures and everything except the arrows and sides of the characters 'screens' was done with vertex colors driving the color of a material, and a pixel noise pattern I created overlayed with tri planar mapping.

I'm supremely pleased with the end result. It's available to play on itch, which I can't link directly to because this account is new but if you google my username + itch it will probably show up.


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