Ash Crossan, Entertainment Tonight's Star Wars source LIVE!

Описание к видео Ash Crossan, Entertainment Tonight's Star Wars source LIVE!

#EntertainmentTonight's #AshCrossan joins us LIVE to chat about all things #StarWars
0:00 - Intro
2:40 Ash Crossan
3:40 - path to ET
8:30 - Star Wars entree
9:48 - first interviews
11:00 - Growing up SW
14:30 - SW interviews
18:00 - the favreau coin
20:00 - fan vs reporter
21:20 - looking forward to
24:00 - Getting the sw interviews
26:30 - press junket and the modern 2-box interview
28:20 - Future of Cinema
33:50 - Fan expectations
35:50 - Star Wars delivered via Streaming
39:00 - Ahsoka
42:50 - Social Media
45:04 - 10 questions

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