WATCH THIS Before You Buy Succulents | LET LOVE GROW Plant Haul

Описание к видео WATCH THIS Before You Buy Succulents | LET LOVE GROW Plant Haul

If you love succulents and want to save lots of money and grief....YOU GOTTA WATCH THIS VIDEO!!!
In the past 6 years of growing succulents, I have bought THOUSANDS of plants from collectors, markets, online shops, my local plant nursery and many Facebook plants sellers. So far....THIS IS THE PLACE TO SHOP. I have already bought 3 separate times in the past month and can't wait to buy more in the coming weeks as more plants become available for sale.
#succulent #garden #planthaul

DISCLAIMER: I'm not paid to do this video and people from Let Love Grow doesn't even know that I'm doing this highly recommended video.

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MUSIC: "Eden"
Available from YouTube Audio Library
00:00 – A promise to stop buying succulents
00:49 – Plant Haul
00:58 - Graptoveria 'Purple Dreams'
01:47 – Canophytum ‘Bilobum’
02:31 - Sedum Furfuraceum
03:11 - Echeveria ‘Lara’
03:28 - Echeveria Yamato Haru AKA E. Yamato Spring
03:53 - Echeveria Poldensis Kevin
04:40 - Echeveria psyche
05:03 - Echeveria Puli-lindsayana
05:57 - Echeveria Toffee Apple
06:42 - Graptopetalum Rusbyi
07:48 - Echeveria shaviana Truffles
08:24 - Echeveria Bella var. Bella
09:03 - Sempervivum 'Centennial' Crest
10.02 - Senecio amanuensis
11.03 - Echeveria Manaudes
12:20 - Echeveria Happy Green
13:14 – Unboxing
15.52 - Echeveria Belato PKJ
16:27 – Aeonium Big Bang
18:01 – Sedum Furfaraceum
18:35 - Jovibarba v. sobolifera
19:06 – More Graptoveria Purple Dream
20:56 - Echeveria Blue Moon
21:47 – Echeveria Alata
23:43 -Sedeveria Silver Frost
24:37 - Echeveria subcorymbosa Juxtlahuaca (030 Giant Form)
25:33 - Sempervivum Gay Jester
26:33 - xGraptoveria Pink Laui
27:22 – I did buy more of same plants
27:57 - Echeveria minima x zaragoza hybrid
29:06 - Sedum allantoides
30:52 - Echeveria Green Smile Crested
32:31 - Echeveria bifida var. metallica
33:44 - Echeveria Bini Ouhikou
34:57 – Echeveria Quitensis var. Quitensis
36:48 Echeveria minima x subsessilis


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