3 Strength Building Albert King Licks

Описание к видео 3 Strength Building Albert King Licks

Here's the next Three-For-All lesson and this time we're targeting three string bending licks that will surely challenge you and help build additional strength in your frethand.

String bending is a demanding and challenging technique (no matter what style of music you're playing), but licks and phrases in the style of blues master Albert King are very difficult to perform and execute correctly, as his style and approach to the guitar was so unique and individual.

The fact he didn't restring his right-handed Flying V's for a left-handed world is interesting and with the addition of using altered tunings, he was indeed a very interesting, influential, and inspiring guitarist and blues music legend.

His approach to melodic phrasing and string bending was very sharp and direct with a staccato-like attack, and he would "dig-in" often as he played lines and phrases, accenting certain licks with a fierce and strong delivery.

This sound and approach has influenced everyone from Jimi Hendrix and Eric Clapton, to Stevie Ray Vaughan, Joe Walsh, Angus Young, Warren Haynes, and Slash (to name a few).

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