English Morris Dancers celebrate May Day 2023

Описание к видео English Morris Dancers celebrate May Day 2023

At the crack of dawn, whilst the rest of the world snoozed away, the Ashdown Forest Morris Men sprang into action! Armed with their hefty cudgels, vibrant ribbons, tinkling bells, and flamboyant handkerchiefs, they put on a spectacular show of music and dance for the annual May Day festivities.

The Ashdown Forest, located a good 40 clicks south of London, is a true gem of natural beauty. And what better place to pay homage to A.A. Milne, the mastermind behind Winnie the Pooh, than in this idyllic spot? With breathtaking scenery as far as the eye can see, it's no wonder this area remains one of the most pristine landscapes in all of the United Kingdom.

#mayday #ashdownforest #morris #britain #dancing #folk


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