সান্তাহার রেলওয়ে স্টেশন ও জংশন🚂, Santahar Railway Station & Junction.

Описание к видео সান্তাহার রেলওয়ে স্টেশন ও জংশন🚂, Santahar Railway Station & Junction.

সান্তাহার রেলওয়ে স্টেশন ও জংশন, Santahar Railway Station & Junction. #SantaharRailwayStation

Hello Guys,
I am Sohrab Hossain (Sabbir) I am a new vlogger I have opened YouTube channel please support me like comment share and subscribe thanks for watching this video.

In this video, I have shared my experience of travelling in the trains or Santahar Rail station of Bangladesh. I took the train from Dhaka ( Santahar Station ) to nator, Bangladesh. It was a pleasant journey. Bangladesh is the state-owned rail transport agency of Bangladesh. It operates and maintains all railways in the country, and is overseen by the Directorate General of Bangladesh Railway. The Bangladesh Railway is governed by the Ministry of Railways and the Bangladesh Railway Authority. Trains of Bangladesh.

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#trainjourney #santaharreilstation #santahar #reil #reilway #SantaharRailwayStation #entertainment #sohurabclassicvlog


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