FOUND AMETHYST!!! Huge Seams + Seam Agate!! AMAZING day finding the source!!

Описание к видео FOUND AMETHYST!!! Huge Seams + Seam Agate!! AMAZING day finding the source!!

In this video Nolan and I found amethyst with our good rockhounding buddy Terry!! This seam of Amethyst was special! We also find some huge seam agates. It was a long hike to get into this location but totally worth it! Come with us as we go rockhounding for seam agates and other semi-precious gemstones.

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F O L L O W U S O N I N S T A G R A M *
  / rockhoundin.  .

F O L L O W U S O N F A C E B O O K *
  / rockhounding.  .

E M A I L *
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H I - T E C H D I A M O N D *​​​​​​
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A M A Z I N G R O C K H O U N D I N G & L A P I D A R Y C H A N N E L S *
@Marlaina Atkins
@Montana Rock Mom
@Gravel Bar Hopper
@Michigan Rocks
@KatyDid ROCKS!
@Currently Rockhounding
@Theo Kellison
@Agate Angler
@Agate Dad
@Natural Stones​
@World of Rock Hounds
@Elley Knows Rocks

M U S I C A L C R E D I T S * (in order of appearance)
Song: Exhale
Musician: Jeremy Blake

Song: To the Sun and Back
Musician: TrackTribe

#Rockhounding #TheFinders​​ #NovaScotia


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