Celebrating Puck Fair, Co. Kerry, Ireland 1970

Описание к видео Celebrating Puck Fair, Co. Kerry, Ireland 1970

The annual fair opens in Killorglin, Kerry where for three days a goat known as King Puck reigns supreme.

The village of Killorglin in County Kerry is the location for Puck Fair, one of Ireland’s oldest fairs. Puck Fair is a three day event held annually from 10 – 12 August. Every year people come from all over the county to see the crowning of the goat King Puck who reigns over the village square for three days.

Puck Fair is not just an historical fair. There is a vibrant trade in cattle and for the first time it is holding a pony show. Puck Fair also offers the visitor music, races, sideshows and market stalls run by members of the Travelling community.

A great attraction of course apart from the billy-goat and all the tradition that goes with them is the fact that the pubs don’t close their doors for three days and nights.

King Puck must have a queen, traditionally a 10 year old girl. For three days this honour is held by Myra Freeman. Following a parade through the town lead by a number of pipe bands, Kind Puck is crowned and hoisted to the top of a 50 foot tower, where he remains until the third evening of the fair, also known as ‘Scattering Day’.

Nobody knows the origins of Puck,

According to some the festival was a pagan one, a kind of fertility rite, maybe sacrifices were made long ago but nowadays Puck is not killed but very well cared for and treated royally.

This report opens with a trio of musicians performing an adaptation of the traditional tall tale English folk song ‘The Derby Ram’.

This episode of ‘Amuigh Faoin Speir’ was broadcast on 22 October 1970.

‘Amuigh Faoin Speir’ was a wildlife series presented by Gerrit Van Gelderen and Éamon de Buitléar.


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