Queen rearing on a queenright colony - small scale

Описание к видео Queen rearing on a queenright colony - small scale

This video shows a method of raising queens on a queen right colony. It is an easy to use cell starter and finisher for the small scale bee keeper. This will require a second brood box, with dummy boards, above the existing brood box and queen excluder. By dummying down the area and creating congestion, provides the ideal environment for queen cell building.

This is great for the beekeeper who want to raise a few queens during the season on a small scale, without sacrificing honey production. It also avoids creating a hopelessly queen less hive - which is usually filled with frames from many hives - again, not always available to the smaller beekeeper.

**NOTE** After trying this, I found better results making the top brood box queen less for 24 hours or more.



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