FINASTERIDE 101: Jeff Wittek Explains How Finasteride for Hair Loss Works and Gives a Clean Lineup

Описание к видео FINASTERIDE 101: Jeff Wittek Explains How Finasteride for Hair Loss Works and Gives a Clean Lineup

Jeff Wittek, YouTuber and host of Jeff’s Barbershop, gives a fresh lineup to Randy, a real Hims customer and influencer who…already has perfect hair? Then Jeff tries to explain to him how finasteride works but…he is already an expert on the subject? Plus, we get a special cameo appearance from another recent guest, who learns a thing or two about finasteride from our two experts.

Products mentioned
Topical Finasteride & Minoxidil Spray:

Want to learn more? Check out these articles.
Finasteride Results: Does Finasteride Work?:
Finasteride Results Timeline—What to Expect:

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