Should you pursue career as a Litigation Lawyer / Practicing Advocate ? | Guidance for Law Students

Описание к видео Should you pursue career as a Litigation Lawyer / Practicing Advocate ? | Guidance for Law Students

In this video Adv. Nahush Khubalkar, Advocate Bombay High Court, Nagpur guides Law Students, young Advocates on pursuing career as a litigation lawyer.

If the law students or new entrant lawyers in the profesion are in a dilemma whether to pursue career as a litigation lawyer or not this video is for them.

Advocate Nahush Khubalkar explains the Pleasure Points and the Pain Points of the legal profession which will guide students and aspiring lawyers to assess their career choise as a litigation lawyer.

#lawyersaab #lawschool #careerguidance#lawyer #litigation #legalinspiration #nahushkhubalkar


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