Описание к видео How to PRACTICE dancing EFFECTIVELY

The best way…in my opinion. You wouldn’t practice free throws by playing basketball and hoping to get fouled, right? You’d practice set-up, wrist and arm action, follow-through, and then get REPS in. Maybe after that you’d get some of your teammates to put added pressure on you while you get reps in. Why would you treat dance any differently?

This is a recap from our class at Remix Weekly on April 24th, 2024. We gave a lot more detail about developing drills, getting quality repetition, and making the most out of that ever elusive partnered practice time. If you’d like to bring this workshop to your event or community, contact me at [email protected].

Instructors are Keerigan Rudd and Julie Winspear.

#westcoastswing #improv #dance #lessons


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