Book Review of The Young Bride by Alessandro Baricco

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Hello everyone,

Time for another book review.

I had visited a library recently (as I do) and when I go into a library, I CANNOT come out empty handed. Three hours later and about seven books in my arms, I finally get to the car to drive home and start reading.

This one is from an Italian writer Alessandro Baricco called the Young Bride.

It's described as a sensual and scintillating novel about a young woman from Argentina who is invited to a bizarre family to marry their son. She is taught about desire from pretty much everyone in that family (tastefully done if you're thinking that it'll be a rollicking read). The way it is written takes a while to get into because it's "fluid" (can't describe it any other way). One minute it's the past, the next it's the future; one minute you read it as if it's the young bride's voice, the next as if the author is talking.

Admittedly I struggled to understand what was going on - and why but the book held my attention to the end to see if her finace actually ended up arriving.


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