Monk fun facts video

Описание к видео Monk fun facts video

Tony Shalhoub was born on Oct. 9, 1953
Bitty Schram was born on July 17, 1968
Traylor Howard was born on June 14, 1966
Ted Levine was born on May 29, 1957
Stanley Kamel was born on January 1, 1943
Bitty Schram plays tennis!
Tony appeared in 352 different shows, 107 different roles
Bitty Schram is Chlosterphobic
Bitty Schram and Jason Gray-Stanford are both left-handed
Tony has a golden retriever named Hero
Traylor has a son named Sabu
Bitty Schram guest starred on Ghost whisperers in 2009
Monk first appeared in 2002
Brooke Adams has been in four Monk episodes (Mr. Monk and the Airplane, Mr. Monk visits a farm, Mr. Monk and the kid, and Mr. Monk's 100th case.)
On Mr. Monk and the kid, Tommy was played by twins
They switched from Sharona to Natalie in 2004 :( & :)
Tony's full name is Anthony Marcus Shalhoub
Traylor Howard also starred as Sharon in 2 guys and a girl
Tony also played Antonio on Wings
Monk has 109 episodes out right now (July '09)
Ted played Big Bob on The Hills Have Eyes
On Mr. Monk bumps his head, the bee keeper was played by Tony Shalhoub's brother
Bitty Shram's full name is Elizabeth wich is Traylor's middle name, and Bitty's middle name is Natalie
Andy Breckman, the creator, can be seen in Mr. Monk takes Manhattan & Mr. Monk and the Airplane
Bitty also played Evelyn Gardner in A League of their own
Stanley Kamel sadly passed away in '08 of heart disease
Hector Elizondo joined the cast in '09
Bitty Schram is returning In season eight witch premiers August 7th on USA network
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