為什麼沒有人跟我說過馬祖!!! 加拿大人第一次去馬祖 ~ ONCE IN A LIFETIME TRIP TO MATSU, TAIWAN... 馬祖真的讓我很驚艷!

Описание к видео 為什麼沒有人跟我說過馬祖!!! 加拿大人第一次去馬祖 ~ ONCE IN A LIFETIME TRIP TO MATSU, TAIWAN... 馬祖真的讓我很驚艷!




This trip to Matsu was one of the most amazing and surprising trips I've ever taken in Taiwan! As I alluded to in the video, I always thought that Matsu Islands was just a glorified military base with not much to offer the average tourist. This couldn't be further from the truth! Along with all that amazing and fascinating military history (which I loved), Matsu is also full of incredible architecture, delicious food that's different from the rest of Taiwan, beautiful beaches and scenery, and some of the friendliest people you'll ever meet. I seriously wish I knew about how great Matsu is 5 or 6 years ago, as I know that even though I saw a lot, there's still more that I didn't discover. Book your trip to Matsu now, and I guarantee you, you'll love that experience.

#馬祖微醺音樂會 #學生島嶼嘉年華
#南竿 #北竿 #東引 #西莒 #東莒

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