عجينة البوريك التركي الأصلية بحشوة الأجبان Authentic Börek dough

Описание к видео عجينة البوريك التركي الأصلية بحشوة الأجبان Authentic Börek dough

English 👇🏻

‎البوريك التركي بحشوة الأجبان:

‎المقادير :
‎٥٠٠جم دقيق 00 او دقيق الخبز عالي الپروتين
‎٣٠٠-٣٢٠ جم ماء
‎١٠ جم ملح

‎خليط من زيت نباتي وزبدة ذائبة لفرد العجين

‎الحشوة :
‎خليط من الأجبان وبقدونس مفروم

500g 00 flour or high gluten flour
300-320 g lukewarm water
10 g sea salt

The cheese filling:
A mixture of feta cheese and ricotta or your favorite white cheese mix
Chopped parsley

A blend of vegetable oil and melted butter for lamination

In the bowl of a stand mixer, add the salt to the flour and then add the water gradually until you achieve the desired texture.
The dough should be soft but not sticky
Knead the dough for 10 minutes then transfer to the work surface and divide it into equal parts.
Cover and rest for 10 minutes.
Ising a dough roller, roll out each dough ball to the same size.
Transfer the dough pieces to a deep dish and cover with the oil and melted butter blend.
Sprinkle some flour between the dough pieces to prevent them from sticking to each other.
Cover and let rest for at least one hour at room temperature.
Spread a thin layer of vegetable oil all over the work surface
Take one disc of dough from the oil, scrape off the oil, then place it onto your oiled work surface.
With oiled hands, flatten the disc from the inside to outside.
Then place your fingers under the edge, gently grab, lift and stretch the dough outwards.
is quite elastic so just make sure your nails don’t pierce the dough otherwise it’ll tear, but no problem if you have a few holes.
Once you reach the required diameter take one side of the large disc and fold it towards.
Place the filling on the folded part.
fold the edges over the cheese mixture 3-4 times or as the desired thickness.
Use a knife to cut off the first rolled pastry and fold it on its self to form a spiral shape.
Place it in an oiled baking tray then repeat the process with the rest of the dough discs.
Brush with and egg wash then bake in the preheated oven for around 30-40 minutes until golden brown.


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