Overview of Teach to Reach Connect 6, the world’s largest networking event for health professionals

Описание к видео Overview of Teach to Reach Connect 6, the world’s largest networking event for health professionals

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Teach to Reach: Connect is the world’s largest networking event for health care professionnals, connecting over 45,000 people working at all levels of the health system.

Request your invitation to join Teach to Reach: Connect

Is this the first time that you are joining Teach to Reach: Connect?

Join this session for a hands-on, step-by-step tutorial that will help you understand how to identify sessions that interest you, how to navigate the event platform, and - most importantly - how to network with colleagues from around the world.

“Peer learning is the key to success. And networking is the key to peer learning.” – A Participant of Teach to Reach: Connect 1

Each edition has 2 tracks:
three networking sessions: meet one-on-one with colleagues from all over the world and discuss key issues important to your work;
plenaries and concurrent sessions: share stories, present insights and dialogue with global stakeholders

Which networking session are you most interested in - and what will you share with your colleagues?

Networking session 1: How I overcame challenges to improve health care in my community 
Networking Session 2: What I am doing to build confidence in COVID-19 vaccination
Networking Session 3: How I am challenging gender barriers in health care

Which plenary session are you most interested in and why?

PLENARY 1. How we build confidence in COVID-19 vaccines
PLENARY 2. Listening and learning from the experience of women and men who are challenging gender barriers in immunization
PLENARY 3. Neglected needs of women’s health: Female Genital Schistosomiasis (FGS) Experience Sharing

This is the recording of a live session held on 17 June 2022 at Teach to Reach: Connect 6.


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