Caribou on his friendship with Four Tet and the emotional foundation for his new album Suddenly

Описание к видео Caribou on his friendship with Four Tet and the emotional foundation for his new album Suddenly


Caribou dropped by VPRO’s 3voor12 Radio to chat about his new album Suddenly. In this interview the Canadian producer talks about his love for old school hip-hop, the friend he wrote ‘Home’ for, and he shares how his entire world suddenly tilted over these past few years. Caribou also discusses how he first met his best friend Four Tet, who helped shape the song ‘Home’.
3voor12 Radio met Eva Koreman brengt je de allernieuwste muzikale trends, alternative tracks en de actualiteit van vandaag én morgen. Regelmatig zijn er artiesten te gast om te praten over hun nieuwe releases (en om ze te spelen, natuurlijk). Tune in: iedere maandag t/m donderdag van 21.00u - 00.00u op NPO 3FM.

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