CONTACT PRINTER for the Instant Box Camera

Описание к видео CONTACT PRINTER for the Instant Box Camera

A new addition to the Instant Box Camera. A contact printer. Usually we use the provided negative holder to photograph our negatives and create a positive. This provides us with an array of techniques such as montaging and framing the negative. But it can also be a bit tricky to get the light right.

The contact printer is much easier. You basically create an exact copy and given that the negative is good it is extremely easy to create consistent positives. Below a small tutorial that shoes you how easy it is to use and where to install it in your Instant Box Camera.

The Instant Box Camera is a portable lightweight darkroom and camera in one. Photographs can be taken and developed on the spot in black and white and in colour. The camera comes in a self-assembly kit including a 110mm f4.5 lens, trays and a tripod. The Instant Box Camera offers an affordable and easy-to-use solution for street photographers, schools and universities, as well as anyone who wants to experience the magic of darkroom photography.


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