Kiryu Kazuma - Lagtrain

Описание к видео Kiryu Kazuma - Lagtrain

Since a Kiryu version is wanted then why not do it, right?
Didn't take as long as the Haruka one because it was all ready! Just had to replace the image with a different one that is made by ‪@LiquidKonata‬
   • Kiryu Kazuma - Lagtrain  

I could've just used the same video as them but I decided that its not fair of me to do so, so I just took the thumbnail!

(Hello! if you see this!)

Either way, RVC 2 and the model of Kiryu was made by the lovely ‪@ame1997_‬ on YouTube.

#likeadragon #yakuza #龍が如く #ai #cover #kazumakiryu #kiryukazuma #lagtrain #inabakumori


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