Описание к видео TRAP SHOOTING BASICS... CONSISTENCY...Roger Pace

In this video we look at ways to avoid fluctuations in our scores. We briefly revisit gun hold and visual hold. We look at the things we need to do the same way every time we are shooting.
Foot position on every stand is also discussed. How to properly mount a gun is discussed. The importance of concentration is also investigated. Keeping our cheek on the stock is also stressed and we look at what to do with big fragments from a hit target.
We talk about high expectations and filling our head with positive thoughts. Being able to swing our body equally left and right.
The importance of following the same routine every single time on every single target.
We focus ...we concentrate... we think of it as a job... and the fun comes after the round is completed and we have shot some good,consistent scores .....Good Luck...Roger Pace


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