BenQ Sw271 monitor review. 27 inch wide gamut hardware calibrated 4k display with multiple inputs

Описание к видео BenQ Sw271 monitor review. 27 inch wide gamut hardware calibrated 4k display with multiple inputs

Keith Cooper looks at the basic uses of the SW271 monitor from BenQ.

Getting the best from this 27" 4k monitor needs the (free) BenQ Palette Master Element software and a monitor calibrator device.

There is a much more detailed review of the monitor features, which include set-up and assembly of the monitor at:

The wide gamut (99% Adobe98) monitor has a wide range of inputs and comes with a monitor hood and a good range of leads.

There is a review of the larger and newer SW321C at:
and video at:
   • BenQ SW321C Review. Photovue 32" 4k w...  

The current model is the SW271C -

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