Phoenix Flames Beta

Описание к видео Phoenix Flames Beta

An entry I made for the TC#18 Contest at Hive Workshop, featuring a race that is designed with a Red-White theme.

After acknowledging his past mistakes, Daffa the Phoenix decided to redeem himself and started to gather his followers during his past conflicts to create a faction that focus on preserving the order of the world from the shadows, collaborating with Lightning Blades as the only ally for the faction. Their goal is to eliminate the greater threats that most of the other factions are not aware of, as they are too occupied in their petty conflicts.

Phoenix Flames, to the other factions in Hazam, with exception of Lightning Blades, Hive Empire and Fallen Legion, is considered nothing more than myths and rumors. The faction utilizes the most powerful form of fiery magics that ever existed in the world, as well as crafting some of the most dangerous magics and devices that set fear into other factions that opposed them. In addition, they are very secretive about their magic and devices, trying to prevent enemies from knowing them by eliminating them before they are aware of what is coming to them.

The Phoenix Flames also harnesses ancient and mythical beings to their cause, with Phoenix and Fire Elementals being a very prominent figure to the faction. This symbolizes their eternal desire to protect Hazam, and the fact that with their strength, extremely dangerous opponents to engage with.

- Long-range artilleries with an extremely devastating range of engagement.
- Powerful and expensive units.
- Heavy utilization on long-range strikes and rapid deployment in strategic positions.
- High durability with good regeneration for all units and structures.

- High-aggression in late game.
- Long-range, hard-to-response attacks.
- Worker harass? What harass?
- Extreme damage output.
- High health units with above average regenerations.

- Expensive and slow to build units.
- Power spike is available when entering T3, so early game can be quite tricky.
- Lumber is slow to get.
- There is no way to repair base nor heal units without relying on regeneration or hero abilities or items or sacrificing Supply Nodes.
- If not paying proper attention, one can starve themselves from the needed resources.

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