👀《七界第一仙》The First Immortal of Seven Realms | EP01-120 Full Version | ⚡MUTI SUB | Donghua

Описание к видео 👀《七界第一仙》The First Immortal of Seven Realms | EP01-120 Full Version | ⚡MUTI SUB | Donghua

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Drama Name:【七界第一仙 The First Immortal of Seven Realms 】

算命为生的梁夕因一时善心救下仙人宇文青阳,被仙人传授万年真力和翻天印,从此踏上了修真之路。在宇文青阳的指示下,梁夕前往天灵门拜师学艺。而路途中,梁夕遇到了莫名亲切而一起同行的小白狐。 以天灵门作为修行起点的梁夕结识了朋友与师尊,又阴差阳错从妖兽身上获得了神秘兵器坎水刃。坎水刃乃是云麓仙居开山祖师的法宝武器,他们要求梁夕归还,但如果梁夕能让龙息淬炼坎水刃的话他们就不予追究,否则就要天灵门付出代价。看出云麓仙居是借故找茬的梁夕决心前往东海寻找龙族,却因为意外吸入龙族血液,成为了天地间第一位龙族外戚。在向龙神说明情况之后,梁夕达成了龙神提出的要求,成功让坎水刃被龙息淬炼,也救回了师门。 云麓仙居的出现不过是插曲,正值天灵门掌教青木道人突破金仙出关时,天灵门上空突然出现了空间裂缝,从中出现的双头老祖带着人面蜘蛛大举进攻,一度将梁夕掳到了人界之外,生命危机之时,翻天印爆发救了梁夕。 此事之后,梁夕也终于有了一处属于自己的领地——桑曲河。桑曲河位置特殊,处于楚国国境边缘不说,还十分贫瘠,坐落在这里的红薯城饱受各方强盗侵扰,梁夕为了改善红薯城做了各式各样的的努力。在击退了强盗组织红发魔军的进攻之后,为了不坐以待毙,梁夕开始探查在桑曲河的强盗势力的情况,却逐渐发现了七界里流传着的紫薇大帝传说的怪异之处,而这一切又让梁夕有似曾相识的奇妙感觉,让梁夕倍感诧异。 为了查明一切的真相,梁夕继续提升自己,在七界之中探索下去。

Because of a moment of kindness, Liang Xi saved the immortal Yuwen Qingyang, and was taught the ten thousand years of true power and the Heaven-shaking Seal by the immortal. From then on, she embarked on the road of cultivation. Under the instruction of Yuwen Qingyang, Liang Xi went to Tianlingmen to learn from his master. On the way, Liang Xi met the little white fox who was inexplicably friendly and walked together with her. Liang Xi, who took Tianlingmen as the starting point of her practice, met friends and masters, and obtained the mysterious weapon Kanshui Blade from a monster by accident. The Kanshui Blade is the magic weapon of the founder of Yunlu Xianju. They asked Liang Xi to return it, but if Liang Xi could let the dragon's breath temper the Kanshui Blade, they would not pursue it, otherwise the Tianlingmen would pay the price. Realizing that Yunlu Xianju was looking for trouble, Liang Xi decided to go to the East China Sea to find the Dragon Clan. However, due to accidental inhalation of Dragon Clan blood, she became the first Dragon Clan relative in the world. After explaining the situation to the Dragon God, Liang Xi fulfilled the Dragon God's request and successfully had the Kanshui Blade tempered by the dragon's breath, and also rescued his master. The appearance of Yunlu Xianju was just an interlude. Just when Tianlingmen's headmaster Qingmu Taoist broke through the Golden Immortal and left the seclusion, a space crack suddenly appeared above Tianlingmen, and the two-headed ancestor who appeared from it attacked with a human-faced spider. , once kidnapped Liang Xi outside the human world. When her life was in crisis, the Heaven-turning Seal broke out and saved Liang Xi. After this incident, Liang Xi finally had a territory of her own - Sangqu River. The Sangqu River has a special location. Not only is it on the edge of the Chu State, it is also very barren. The Sweet Potato City located here is plagued by bandits from all sides. Liang Xi has made various efforts to improve the Sweet Potato City. After repelling the attack of the red-haired demon army of the bandit organization, Liang Xi began to explore the situation of the bandit forces in Sangqu River in order not to sit still and wait for death. However, she gradually discovered the strangeness of the legend of Ziwei Emperor spread in the Seven Realms. And all this gave Liang Xi a strange feeling of déjà vu, which made Liang Xi even more surprised. In order to find out the truth of everything, Liang Xi continued to improve herself and explore the seven realms.

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