Did You Know? The Call To The Unreached

Описание к видео Did You Know? The Call To The Unreached

Did you know that nearly 2 billion people have never even had a chance to hear the name of Jesus? I mean, c'mon! It's the 21st century and you're tweeting, Facebooking and updating every moment of your life while millions have never even had a chance to hear who Jesus is. CRAZY! Drop $100 bucks in the Sunday offering plate. Only a few pennies will get to these unreached people groups. So what are you gonna do about it? I think it's time we fulfill the Great Commission that Jesus called us to, because after all, it's not the Great Suggestion.

We hope you're inspired by this video, and pray you jump on board to reach unreached people groups with us at www.withinreachglobal.org


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