Meaning of Sri Aurobindo Society Symbol given by the Mother

Описание к видео Meaning of Sri Aurobindo Society Symbol given by the Mother

The Symbol created by the Mother for the Society is representative of its deepest aspiration.  It is the Symbol of Sri Aurobindo, with two intersecting triangles, within a diamond.
The descending triangle represents Sat-Chit-Ananda.
The ascending triangle represents the aspiring answer from matter under the form of life, light and love.
The junction of both—the central square—is the perfect manifestation having at its centre the Avatar of the Supreme—the lotus.
The water—inside the square—represents the multiplicity, the creation.

Later when Nolinida, a Trustee of the Ashram, was asked about the ‘diamond shape”, he explained that the significance of the diamond, according to Sri Aurobindo, is the Mother’s Light at its most intense. 

The symbol of the Society can therefore be seen as representing the power of the Light of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, working out the destined transformation of humanity.


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