Justice Michael Lee (Fed Court) has stern words for Court Watch Australia (see details in descrip)

Описание к видео Justice Michael Lee (Fed Court) has stern words for Court Watch Australia (see details in descrip)

During the Lehrmann v Network Ten defamation case in the Federal Court , there was a misunderstanding about sharing as news or rebroadcasting portions of the livestream from the Federal Court. It was a matter of great interest to the Australian public as it involved Brittany Higgins, Lisa Wilkinson, Bruce Lehrmann, and many witnesses sharing their account of what they knew and when in relation to the 'alleged incident' at Parliament House and the subsequent Media frenzy and conflicting stories of what happened and who knew what... and then ultimately a $2.3 million settlement was paid to Ms Higgins. Court Watch Australia (CWA) briefly shared some clips of the livestream video of the hearing, but it then became apparent to CWA that his Honour Justice Lee requested/ordered they be removed. So CWA complied.

Another YouTuber Glenn Logan was called into court to explain why he had shared some video clips on his Youtube channel (channel name: Feminism Debunked) , but unfortunately he was delayed in getting to court and may now face a contempt of court charge. The alleged warnings given by Mr Lee at the start of the hearing, were not seen/heard by myself and the written 'conditions' under the Youtube video were buried in the collapsed details of the video and so were also not seen by myself until the matter was brought to my attention via Twitter . Glen Logan may have also not seen the 'conditions' statement under the video, so I urge Justice Lee to show some leniency with regard to the re-broadcast by Mr Logan, as the court's restrictions/conditions re viewing the Youtube livestream were not prominent and anyone could easily click on the video and start watching without consenting to the 'Courts conditions'.

Finally during the times CWA watched the livestream it seemed to peak at around 17,000 viewers, Many Australian citizens would be busy or at work, or at school or Uni during the time it was livestreamed. Other Youtube channels continue to host their own livestreams after the 'live event' has ended. Two YouTubers that do this are Megyn Kelly and Vicki Dillard. They host livestreams , then ALSO allow people to view the livestream after hours, ie after it is no longer live, but for some reason the Federal Court chose not to do that and as such I felt I was providing a service to Australians to be able to watch the video when they can, after work and since taxpayers paid $2.3m to Ms Higgins I feel/felt its our right to see the Court hearing and witness testimonies.


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