Q&A with my brother | answering lots of your random questions

Описание к видео Q&A with my brother | answering lots of your random questions

Hey Guys,

Sorry this video is a little long. I wanted to keep as many of your questions in there as I could. Lots of randoms ones as I wanted to keep it interesting and not stick too much on one topic.

If there's certain topics that you want us to talk about more, just comment below and I'm sure if it's something we feel like we can do, we will get it recorded.

Hope you enjoyed the video anyway. The next one I upload will be a BTS video from my last fight day in Nashville. Lots of random clips that I didn't include in the fight day vlog.

Thank you as always for your love and support. Please remember to like, share and subscribe.

Lots of love, Dakota xxxxxx


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