Brain Tumor Awareness | Leah’s Story

Описание к видео Brain Tumor Awareness | Leah’s Story

Blanca shares the story of her daughter Leah, who battled DIPG for 17 months. Leah was a creative and adventurous girl who loved going places and trying new things. Blanca took Leah to the doctor when she started experiencing vision problems, which led to an MRI and a diagnosis of brain cancer. Blanca emphasizes the importance of being heard by doctors and the difficulty of navigating the emotions and decisions that come with a cancer diagnosis. She also discusses Leah's Etsy shop, where she sold handmade crafts, and her plans to start an organization to support teenagers with cancer. Blanca and Coral discuss the side effects of radiation and steroids in the treatment of DIPG and DMG. They highlight the challenges of finding clinical trials and the difficult decisions parents face when considering experimental treatments. They emphasize the importance of support and understanding from others who have walked a similar path. Blanca shares her experience with well-intentioned but hurtful comments and the need for more education and awareness about childhood brain cancer. They discuss the pain of losing a child and the ongoing grief that parents carry. Blanca talks about her plans to honor Leah's memory through a toy drive and future organization. They also touch on the limitations and side effects of clinical trials and the importance of advocating for better treatments and support for children with brain tumors.


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