roblox dzielnica for beginners guide

Описание к видео roblox dzielnica for beginners guide

dzielnica how the combat works
thanks to torfow and thymache for helping me
probably gonna do part 2

kick are parryable but not blockable
kick can stun blocking and charging Players

Dropkick is parryable but not blockable
Blocking dropkick prevents it from pushing and ragdoll you

thrown items and arrows are parryable and deflectable
but not blockable

heavyattack (Chargeattack) it does more damage than normalattack
their right arm and their weapon flashes White before it Swings
basically it doesnt swing immediately
It's parryable but Not blockable
Blocking a heavyattack prevents it from giving you high damage, you only get less damage
you cannot cancel YOUR heavyattack
but you can hold Charge and Block to cancel charge

swingattack(Normalattack) it does less damage than heavy attack
It Swings immediately
their arm and weapon DOESN'T flashes white
It's parryable and blockable
you can cancel YOUR swing by blocking


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