Caesar IV OST (2006)

Описание к видео Caesar IV OST (2006)

Here is the soundtrack I wrote for Caesar IV, between 2005-2006:

0:00 Excipio (Welcome)
2:58 Urbem Conditam Roma, Unus (The Founding of Rome, Part I)
6:53 Imperium et Libertas (Empire and Liberty)
10:36 Carmen Legatus Legionus (Song of the Legion Commander)
15:28 Esto Perpetua (May You Live Forever)
19:20 Senatus Populusque Romanus (The Senate and the People of Rome)
24:18 Pari Passu (With Equal Step)
28:15 Lux et Veritas (Light and Truth)
31:56 Dulcius es Asperis (Through Difficulty, Sweetness)
36:02 Urbem Conditam Roma, Duos (The Founding of Rome, Part 2)
40:45 Victoria in Acies (Victory on the Battlefield)
48:33 Desert One
54:59 Desert Two
1:01:21 Displiceo (Dissatisfaction)
1:06:26 Asia One
1:11:34 Asia Two
1:17:38 North Africa One
1:21:56 North Africa Two
1:27:18 Northern Europe One
1:32:42 Northern Europe Two
1:37:46 Vox Populi (The Voice of the People)


While I was working at Tilted Mill, Sierra wanted to create another city builder, and we were ready for the challenge. Caesar IV was a masterpiece that spanned the course of Ancient Rome.

It was my best and most complex soundscape design to date, having thousands of VO lines and sound effects, multiple channels and real-time mixing including weather, battle environments, interactive / adaptive music, and the bustling sounds of Roman city and country life alike. I brought Jeff Seamster on board to assist with the sound design and dialogue, and he did a fantastic job! This was a really fun project to work on together, and our custom audio engine was getting really polished.

I also composed a 100+ minute soundtrack consisting of 21 full orchestral pieces. Universal Music liked it so much, they picked it up as part of their production library, which was a great honor for me. You can buy the soundtrack on iTunes (I make no money from it, Universal Music owns the master rights). A few excerpts from the soundtrack are below, as well as a soundscape demo. Delectus!

Developer: Tilted Mill Entertainment

Publisher (Game): Sierra Studios

Publisher (Music): Universal Music Corporation

Platforms: PC, Mac

All material is copyrighted and owned by their respective holders.

Buy me coffee if you like!


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