Carol Wilke gently guides us through the 12 step prayers (Alcoholics Anonymous or "AA") in this 10 minute guided meditation with beautiful music by Kent Rautenstraus. This spiritual practice is intended to support the recovery of those with any kind of addiction.
00:00 Intro
00:08 First Step Prayer
00:45 Second Step Prayer
01:25 Third Step Prayer
02:12 Fourth Step Prayer
02:55 Fifth Step Prayer
03:41 Sixth Step Prayer
04:15 Seventh Step Prayer
04:58 Eighth Step Prayer
05:38 Ninth Step Prayer
06:20 Tenth Step Prayer
07:26 Eleventh Step Prayer
08:22 Twelfth Step Prayer
First Step Prayer
Dear Lord,
I admit that I am powerless over my addiction.
I admit that my life is unmanageable when I try to control it.
Help me this day to understand
The true meaning of powerlessness.
Remove from me all denial of my addiction.
Second Step Prayer
Heavenly Father,
I know in my heart that only you can restore me to sanity.
I humbly ask that you remove all twisted thought &
Addictive behavior from me this day.
Heal my spirit & restore in me a clear mind.
Third Step Prayer
I offer myself to Thee
To build with me & to do with me as Thou wilt.
Relieve me of the bondage of self, that I may better do Thy will.
Take away my difficulties,
That victory over them may bear witness
To those I would help of Thy Power,
Thy love & Thy way of life,
May I do Thy will always!
Fourth Step Prayer
Dear God,
It is I who has made my life a mess.
I have done it, but I cannot undo it.
My mistakes are mine &
I will begin a searching & fearless moral inventory.
I will write down my wrongs
But I will also include that which is good.
I pray for the strength to complete the task.
Fifth Step Prayer
Higher Power,
My inventory has shown me who I am,
Yet I ask for Your help
In admitting my wrongs to another person & to You.
Assure me, & be with me, in this Step,
For without this Step I cannot progress in my recovery.
With Your help, I can do this, & I do it.
Sixth Step Prayer
Dear God,
I am ready for Your help
In removing from me the defects of character
Which I now realize are an obstacle to my recovery.
Help me to continue being honest with myself &
Guide me toward spiritual & mental health.
Seventh Step Prayer
My Creator,
I am now willing that you should have all of me, good & bad.
I pray that you now remove from me every single defect of character
Which stands in the way of my usefulness to you & my fellows.
Grant me strength, as I go out from here to do your bidding.
Eighth Step Prayer
Higher Power,
I ask Your help in making my list of all those I have harmed.
I will take responsibility for my mistakes &
Be forgiving to others as You are forgiving to me.
Grant me the willingness to begin my restitution.
This I pray.
Ninth Step Prayer
Higher Power,
I pray for the right attitude to make my amends,
Being ever mindful not to harm others in the process.
I ask for Your guidance in making indirect amends.
Most important, I will continue to make amends
By staying abstinent, helping others &
Growing in spiritual progress.
Tenth Step Prayer
I pray I may continue:
To grow in understanding & effectiveness;
To take daily spot check inventories of myself;
To correct mistakes when I make them;
To take responsibility for my actions;
To be ever aware of my negative &
Self-defeating attitudes & behaviors;
To keep my willfulness in check;
To always remember I need Your help;
To keep love & tolerance of others as my code; &
To continue in daily prayer how I can best serve You,
My Higher Power.
Eleventh Step Prayer
Higher Power, as I understand You,
I pray to keep my connection with You
Open & clear from the confusion of daily life.
Through my prayers & meditation I ask especially for
Freedom from self-will, rationalization, & wishful thinking.
I pray for the guidance of correct thought & positive action.
Your will Higher Power, not mine, be done.
Twelfth Step Prayer
Mile Hi is a New Thought church in Lakewood, Colorado. Practical and universal spirituality, affirmative prayer, meditation, and oneness are at the heart of all we do. Our community focuses on healing, growth, empowerment, positive living, mindfulness and a grounded spiritual path as well as overcoming anxiety, focusing on forgiveness and fostering healthy relationships. Michelle Medrano and Josh Reeves are the Lead Ministers teaching the Science of Mind and Spirit.
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