Enemy at the Gates: 9 Types of Poison Arrows Sha Qi Explained (Plus 17 real life examples)

Описание к видео Enemy at the Gates: 9 Types of Poison Arrows Sha Qi Explained (Plus 17 real life examples)

In the ancient Chinese practice of feng shui, practitioners believe that all spaces and environments are influenced by the flow of qi - a vital life force energy that permeates the universe. When this qi becomes stagnant, displaced or polluted, it transforms into sha qi - a destructive, draining negative energy.

While the concept of good and bad energy flows may seem metaphysical, the impacts of sha qi on one's health, relationships, finances and general well-being are very real. Feng shui teachings classify nine main types of sha qi, each with its own unique causes and manifestations in the physical world.

From the lingering remnants of past violence and tragedies, to the more esoteric realms of curses and spirit oppressions, these nine types of sha qi have been documented across cultures and generations as bringers of misfortune, illness, and obstructed luck if left unaddressed.

By the end, you'll not only understand what constitutes sha qi from a feng shui perspective, but also gain a much deeper appreciation for identifying and remedying these negative energies in your own spaces and environments.

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#fengshui #shaqi #negativeenergy


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